Leg 3 – to Huttoft via Skegness

I’m writing this from Whitby in an attempt to catch up on posts, there hasn’t been a good connection up until now and I haven’t found an Internet cafe as yet. Having slight technology fail – Garmin won’t switch on so might have to go manual on the map front!

03 May 2013
An early start for the longest leg yet, up to Skeggy and beyond. Good night’s sleep and didn’t get eaten by wolves, although it was a very quiet morning so not sure my fellow campers faired so well! Another beautiful day with the sun coming through the trees.

Breakfasted on porridge, a double portion, and a cereal bar for good measure. Noticed the toilet block had flowers in, a first and probably last, must be because it’s Sandringahm.

Packed and hit the road by 9am, down to King’s Lynn. The Garmin (Nemesis Device) sent me wrong a couple of times and then reset itself, however on the plus side I found a baguette shop in King’s Lynn and had second breakfast – sausage and bacon baguette consumed with vigour.

Crossed the river (Great Ouse I think, it certainly oozed) and headed North East down lots of wiggly roads, trying to stay as close to the coast as possible. Crossed in to Lincolnshire whereupon everything got a lot flatter resulting in some easy miles. Unfortunately the sea view was constantly blocked by sandbanks and dykes, no doubt stopping the sea from encroaching. The Nemesis device said I was at an elevation of between minus 2 and 2 metres for most of the journey, so hope the sea levels don’t rise too much otherwise large portions of Lincolnshire will get flooded.

Crossed over the Sutton Bridge and headed down yet more wiggly but flat roads, through fields of either daffodils or covered in plastic – apparently the plastic sheeting can confuse migrating birds who think it’s water but didn’t see any crash landings. Gave me some ideas for a weird doctor who episode involving germinating cabbage patch kids, and a grand vegetarian conspiracy. Not sure what all the daffodils were for, do they harvest them for something? Must do as lots were turning and would be no good for the florist.

I had to turn into a strong westerly several times as I wound back and forth which made for harder going. Crossed over the river Welland on a short stretch of main road. Glad I didn’t have to spend too long on the main road as had trucks thundering past me for a bit. I was hoping I might pass a few pie shops en route, maybe a few artisan bakeries or suchlike, no luck there as Lincs isn’t very touristy, at least in the bits i was passing through. I settled for a Spar stop where I restocked on Haribo and grabbed a sandwich, and crisps, and another sandwich, I was hungry. Also found a 5 fingered Kitkat, is this a Lincolnshire thing?

On the nutrition front I’ve come to the conclusion to eat when I’m hungry until I’m no longer hungry, and drink when I’m thirsty. Sounds simple but it’s about listening to your body and not worrying too much about this or that mineral or protein. If I feel like some fruit I get some, likewise a steak. Think your body is quite good at telling you what it needs if you listen. Not sure the beer is on the list but good for the mental balance!

Had a great stretch up to Skegness averaging over 15 mph with a partially following wind. Pretty much passed straight through Skegness as it has Yarmouth like tendencies which was backed up my some mild abuse from some local youths. There’s a great promenade if you fancy cruising up and down, however my bike didn’t have the requisite under-lighting and stereo system with mega bass booster whatsit. Passing seas of amusement arcades, fun parks, and endless caravan parks I finally made it out of Skegness and continued north to Blue Bell farm near Huttoft.

Nice campsite with pub only a mile away where I stopped for a pint – Red Lion. Refuelled on an evening meal of pasta with tuna, sweet corn, mayonnaise and Tabasco created on my Whisperlite; an odd combination but provided the necessary carbs and some protein. Had an early bed as long stretch to Kilnsea the next day.

A few other comments/thoughts:

– Nemesis device sent me wrong 4 times today so I’ll be feeding back to Garmin at some point. Doesn’t cope with towns well and reset itself randomly 3 times. Glad I have paper map back ups.

– Slightly concerned about water and how I’ll find more in more remote parts of the country, glad I’ve got puritabs.

– Food balance going well, flapjack is great.

– Be good to get out of Lincolnshire and over the Humber Bridge tomorrow.

– Had an amusing chat with some other campers complaining about the horrible drives they’d had in bank holiday traffic. Not a problem on a bike!


5 thoughts on “Leg 3 – to Huttoft via Skegness

  1. westonfront

    Daffodils are often grown to obtain the Galantamine which can be extracted for the bulbs. This is used to form an anti-Altzeimers drug. (Extracted from crushed bulbs in a very impressive plant next to the Hib’s football ground in Edinburgh. Sounds like you could do with some to feed in the Garmin 🙂

  2. jake369Steve

    Good reading your progress, keep going! GPS and technology, sounds like you are having fun with it! King’s Lynn->Sutton Bridge, I grew up in Terrington, many hours of flat (and windy!) cycling

  3. Bob

    Following you but lagging a bit, blog update I just saw was about skegness but I saw from twitter that you were in Whitby. Hope you find more novelty snacks in each county, never seen a 5-finger Kit-Kat! keep on keeping on, what’s you total mileage so far btw? Cheers, Bob

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